High Praise
One of the best things about being a writer is making friends and connections in the writing community. Recently, I asked Jonathan Lambert of Jolly Horror Press to preview one of the stories in my upcoming collection Old Farmhouses of the North.
Some History
Jonathan has read my writing since the very beginning, back when When the Dead was the only work in my catalog. His book Gugga was reviewed by fellow writer Eloise J. Knapp in the same video as When the Dead. We’ve been friends and fans of one another since, though we’ve never met in person, as we live across the country!
When he reads my stories, he reads from a place of knowledge, knowing how much my storytelling has evolved over the years. Here’s what he had to say about ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’:
His Thoughts
“I couldn’t stop reading once I started. This one has some serious wheels … super elegant … terrifying … bizarre and wonderful … creepy as fuck. It disturbed me a little, which is super hard to do. How do you come up with this stuff?”
Jonathan Lambert, Editor, Jolly Horror Press
‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ is just one of ten short stories of speculative and quiet horror fiction in Old Farmhouses of the North, set for release in Fall of 2020.
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