Coming Soon: The Five Senses in Horror Story Bundle and MORE
Now that Mistakes I Made During the Zombie Apocalypse is finally finished (and on its way to becoming an audiobook!), I’ve shifted my focus to three new projects: The Five Senses in Horror Story Bundle, TAKE: An Anthology of Anatomical Entries, and a super secret new zombie novel with amazing potential and a co-author!
The Five Senses in Horror Story Bundle will be a Crypticon Seattle exclusive product. A beautifully-designed collection of five horror stories, each focusing on one of the five senses. Unlike most story collections, which can be found bound together in a single book, each story will have its own cover and they’ll be sold as a set at our main hall booth. More info on the stories as they are completed!
TAKE: An Anthology of Anatomical Entries is the companion anthology to GIVE. We’ll be opening submissions in late 2016. Start planning now to wow us with your body horror stories told from the perspective of the organ/tissue recipient.
The super secret new zombie novel project is just that, super secret! I can’t even take the beans out of the cupboard, let alone spill ’em. You’ll just need to wait.
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