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The Spread: A Zombie Short Story Collection

By Michelle Kilmer and Rebecca Hansen

Formats: eBook, Paperback, Audiobook

Pages: 200

[QUICK SYNOPSIS: Everybody gets it. How is the question. The cat knows but he won’t tell you.]

You don’t know when it will change your life, or how, but the zombie plague is spreading quickly and in ways that no one could have imagined.
In Part I, an independently-hired researcher watches a mysterious plague decimate an island and takes notes with a gun-toting guard at his side. but the brisk waters of the Puget Sound can’t keep it from spreading to the mainland.

In Part II, follow the infection from chapter to chapter and person to person. A frightened neighborhood cat, a harmless fishing trip, a room full of infected preschoolers. perhaps someone will deliver it right to your front door. How kind.

Featuring short stories that showcase the many ways in which a disease can overwhelm a city, The Spread will get you thinking of how mundane acts can become deadly. No matter your precautions, the spread will reach you. Of that you can be sure.


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On Dawning Creates – Writing and Reviews by Denise Pasutti
From WatchPlayRead – By Jasen Mortensen
From Hayley Knighten’s blog

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[All Persons Fictitious]

These stories, characters, and plot lines are the creation and property of Michelle Butcher. Any similarity to persons alive, dead, or undead is purely coincidental.

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