Michelle Butcher
Now writing as Michelle von Eschen (older work as Michelle Kilmer). Michelle is a lover of the macabre who prefers Earl Grey tea, October, people who say goodbye on the phone, and her dreams are so real she can’t figure out what has really happened to her. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys weightlifting, dark beer, web design, hiking and camping, singing and playing guitar, and watching horror movies. She lives in England with her husband, horror author Jonathan Butcher.
She is the author of the novel When the Dead and the novella Mistakes I Made During the Zombie Apocalypse, four short story collections: Last Night While You Were Sleeping, When You Find Out What You’re Made Of, Once Upon a Time, When Things Turned Out Okay, and Old Farmhouses of the North. She is a co-author of The Spread, which she wrote with her twin sister, and a co-editor of GIVE: An Anthology of Anatomical Entries. She is also the author of The Murk of Us, a nonfiction prose and poetry collection documenting the horrors of the toxic empath/narcissist relationship. Her short stories are also featured in several anthologies including Roms, Bombs, and Zoms from Evil Girlfriend Media, A Very Zombie Christmas from ATZ Publications, and two from Jolly Horror: Don’t Cry to Mama and Accursed.
Connect with Michelle on Goodreads, on Amazon’s Author Central or via email at