Wizards of Mass Destruction

YES, I wrote a short story about a wizard. Back in 2014. I loved it then and I love it now. 4,000 words of epic ridiculousness and magic and humor. Also a historical fiction piece based on the disappearance of the settlement at Roanoke.
Help me get paid and support other writers and an awesome wizard anthology. My story Regarding Roanoke is begging to be read and I’ll send the story to you with a donation of any amount to this campaign.
Donate, send me your proof and your email and you can enjoy bloodthirsty demons and one very apologetic failure of a wizard.

The last two years I’ve been dealing with health issues and had two major surgeries with another fast approaching just before Halloween. It’s nothing short of a miracle that I’ve managed to get anything new published, let alone written. Last year I finished the writing collection When You Find Out What You’re Made Of.
Wildflower, a short story from the aforementioned collection took first place in the 2017 Crypticon Writing Contest produced by Blysster Press and is also featured in their anthology Crypticon De-Compositions 2017.
Progress on my new novel Hello, Iowa has been slow but steady. My hope is to shop this story to the big publishers. I feel like my writing is ready for a larger audience.
I am also working on a mini short story collection for Crypticon 2019. Once Upon a Time, When Things Turned Out Okay will feature five brand new stories from me.
If you’ve taken a look around, you’ll notice the website has a new look. Now that I’m finally feeling better physically and emotionally, I’ve been able to give more attention to the office type work of my baby empire. Great things are coming from When the Dead Books. Look for more ebooks, audible books, and stories from us in 2019!